TruGender is all about alignment

When your gender identity matches your biological sex you are in alignment—the way God created you to be

When we live in alignment with our physical bodies, we experience the natural order of God’s creation. Sure, we can take matters into our own hands and attempt to defy nature. But things get messy and our bodies won’t function how the Creator intended. While blocking puberty and cutting off body parts or creating new ones may provide temporary satisfaction, we will ultimately be misaligned. Why not let go of resistance rather than fight against divine design?

Christine Sneeringer, Executive Director

I know what it's like to not be at peace in my skin as a woman. I struggled with gender dysphoria for more than two decades. I hated being a girl and believed God made a mistake when he made me female.

Through a process of aligning my thinking with my biological reality, I discovered God meant my gender to be a blessing not a burden. Today I love being a woman. I seek to help others live in harmony with God’s design, fully aligned with who He made them to be.