Coaching & Spiritual Direction

We often struggle with our identity when the image of God (from the Latin Imago Dei) is marred by the effects of living in a broken world. This can be the result of our own choices or it can be the effects of another person's choices that have wounded us. Regardless, my goal is to help restore each person's dignity as image bearers. For some this includes restoring their gender identity.

I know what it's like to not be at peace in my skin as a woman. I struggled with gender dysphoria the first two decades of my life. Growing up, I hated being a girl and believed that God made a mistake when He made me female.

As a sexual abuse survivor who rejected God’s design and wandered far from His path for many years, I am delighted to encourage others who struggle in various ways with their identity. I invite you to a journey of discovery and the freedom the comes with being reconciled to your creator as well as to your biological sex.

Today I love being a woman. I believe God meant my biological sex to be a blessing and not a burden. And I want to help others in their identity development to be at peace with themselves and in their bodies.

When your thinking aligns with reality and you are embracing your uniqueness.